[root@~]# diff -urNa dir1 dir2
-a Treat all files as text and compare them line-by-line, even if they do not seem to be text. -N, --new-file In directory comparison, if a file is found in only one directory, treat it as present but empty in the other directory. -r When comparing directories, recursively compare any subdirectories found.-u Use the unified output format.
find /home/ -type f -not \( -name '.*' \) -exec md5sum {} \;
说明:(1) /home/文件目录
(2) -type f 文件类型为普通文件
(3) -not \( -name '.*' \) 过滤掉隐藏文件。可以过滤掉不需要考虑的文件
(4) -exec md5sum {} \; 对每个文件执行md5sum命令